Podcasts aus Politik und Wirtschaft von Andrea Protscher

Podcasts aus Politik und Wirtschaft von Andrea Protscher

Hörbar Protscher

Should I go or should I stay?

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In Greece, young adults are faced with a conservative, rigid social model and a government that, while progressive, has limited room for political maneuvering due to the policy conditionality imposed on the country by the country´s lenders in exchange for emergency loans. The economic slump has led hundreds of thousands of young, educated Greeks to leave the country in search of greener pastures elsewhere. At a panel discussion at Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Berlin, four young Greeks from different backgrounds and with diverse views on emigration explored the dynamics of the resulting brain drain on Greece, and ways to reverse it.


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Über diesen Podcast

Hören Sie hier kompakte Informationen von Konferenzen, Podiumsdiskussionen und Veranstaltungen in ganz Deutschland. Themenschwerpunkte: Politik, Gesundheit, Wirtschaft, Kultur. Auf den Punkt gebracht von Andrea Protscher.

von und mit Andrea Protscher


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